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ELCA Youth Gathering Testimonials from our Synod

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I got to meet so many new people and see so many amazing places. I got to become closer with my friends and play fun games along the way. I’m grateful for the opportunity and people who were there with me. My favorite part was finding out where everyone was from and trading little pieces from each church. I loved my time in New Orleans and I’m glad I took the time to go there. –Haley Mummah

The highlight of the Gathering this year was seeing the excitement of our youth each evening at the Mass Gathering. They made it a priority to arrive early and therefore had the chance to go down to the floor of the arena to see the Worship Team up close and to participate in the singing and worship, by being next to the stage. We were blessed by wonderful worship times and speakers who challenged us in our faith formation and growing in faith. Each day had different events such as the Service Day or Synod Day. The synod day worship this year was meaningful because it was a smaller group in which to worship and to have communion worship. That service was meaningful too because we were able to meet other people from our synod. It was also cool to see our Bishop Craig Miller at Synod Day and then to have him join us on the Service Day as well. I am thankful for the experience and think it is a great way for our youth to experience God and see the church at work at the national level. –Arlen Saner

I had a great time at the Youth Gathering in New Orleans because I got to spend time getting closer to God in the presence of thousands of other people like me. I got to travel to a place that I had never been before with people I knew well and people that I didn’t know really well. It was a great time to grow closer with friends and Christ. If someone were to ask me if I would do it again, I would say one thousand percent. —Slone Smith

It was so neat to see the culture in New Orleans and explore the city. I was filled with so much joy seeing each youth group’s bright colored shirts and the number of Christians roaming around New Orleans and spreading the love of God. Each evening at Mass Gathering, my breath was taken away. My heart was warmed, seeing an arena full of people my age, worshiping and praising God all at the same time. The highlight of the trip was, without a doubt, hearing my favorite worship song played live! (Praise by Elevation Worship, if you would like to listen!) Overall, I truly enjoyed the Youth Gathering and wish I could go back!! –Reese Foltz

My favorite part was seeing all the buildings and restaurants. This trip gave me a chance to experience flying. The music was so amazing, I wish I could go back because of it. We had a great time together! I always love the memories I make on these trips. To be honest, I didn’t even want to go, but I’m so glad I did. –Thea Beward

The youth gathering was such an amazing experience. I thought the mass gathering each evening was so invigorating. The speakers had such great messages which helped us grow in our faith. The overall environment was outstanding. The synod day was great to be able to connect with other youth and leaders that are closer to our area. And of course, the bus and swamp tours were an added bonus. Olivia really liked seeing the various animals we do not see in PA.” –from Christ’s, Lewisburg newsletter

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