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Rev. Craig A. Miller

From Bishop Miller (Sep 2024)

On September 5, nearly 100 leaders from faith communities across Pennsylvania gathered in Harrisburg to call for peace and civility during this election season. At a press conference in the Capitol rotunda led off by Bishop Christopher DeForest (Northeast Pennsylvania Synod), speakers from Christian, Jewish, and Muslim communities spoke words of unity, peace, and common concern for our neighbors.

We spoke as one body as we gathered on the steps behind the speakers to say that our government leaders and those who seek elected office must take responsibility for their rhetoric and seek to reduce the possibility for violence as we enter this contentious election season. Our presence that day carried with it the presence of over 330 leaders and members of our religious communities who had signed on to a statement, drafted by the bishops of our seven ELCA synods in Pennsylvania, entitled Choices and Voices for Peace. Even as we spoke that day, more were joining us in our statement.

This groundswell of those calling for calm dialogue over violent, divisive language continues today as more and more individuals add their names to the statement. We continue to call on members of our congregations to add their voices to ours in hope that the violence many fear will mar this election will be overcome with love. You can add your name to the statement by signing on at . If you would like to go further, you might write to your elected leaders to ask them to read and sign the statement as well.

Finally, I encourage our congregations to engage in conversations about peaceful dialogue in times of division. The LAMPA website has many resources for use in groups and individually. Let us pray fervently for peace in our nation, our communities, and among our neighbors.
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