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Give to help Liberia

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The Global Ministry Team of the Upper Susquehanna Synod has, since its inception, been connected with our Companion Synod of the Lutheran Church of Liberia.  As many of you know, we sent numerous cargo containers to help during the civil war and even years after.  Most recently, the LCL and ALLIA (Association of Liberians Living in America) are working together and have approved a Lutheran University.  It will have several campuses including a seminary at Louis T. Bowers Lay Leaders and Ministers Training Center in Totota.

The past two years, we have had several pastors retire and congregations close.  Their legacy will go forward as we have sent numerous worship items and theological books (50 boxes) to Bishop Padmore, The Lutheran Church of Liberia and Lutheran University.

We are blessed that we don’t have to pay for a whole shipping container, rather we pay to ship it to Global Health Ministry, and they will load it on a container along with medical supplies for Phebe and Curran Hospital.  It is less than the cost of a container, but still expensive and over our Liberia line of the budget.  The cost this year was $3,866.  Some people and congregations have given a donation to help offset this cost.  If you or your congregation would like to support this mission opportunity, please make your checks out to Upper Susquehanna Synod and write Liberia shipping in the memo line.  Any amount will be accepted and we will be grateful.

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